it’s almost 2020. every year, it feels like january 1st hits me out of nowhere. every year, i sit back and consider my growth. i revisit my greatest challenges, think back to the lowest points of my life, celebrate my highest peaks, appreciate my dearest loved ones, mourn over heartbreaking memories, etc. i’m fairly confident […]

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missing you

i reached into my sock drawer and grabbed the first pair of socks that touched my fingertips. i pulled the pink and green striped socks over one of my feet. “ugh… these socks are so worn out… why do i still have them?” then it hit me – i remember pulling these socks out of […]

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honestly, this entire year has just been constant hurt.. followed by more hurt. october is almost at an end, God, and only three words continuously come to mind – what the hell? why the hell have i felt like this for SO long? why has it been so long since i’ve just been able to […]

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those who have come to know me post-2015 probably share a similar image of me: deeply thoughtful, academically successful, bubbly, with high expectations/goals for myself. it’s absolutely absurd to think that i’m seen in that way by others. pre-2015 irene was petrified by the hard realities of life. depression consumed every aspect of life from […]

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essentials of a christian

over the past year and a half, pastor don denyes from south church has spoken an overwhelming amount of wisdom into my life – lessons and questions i challenge myself with each day. several months ago, he started off a sermon by comparing christians to dorothy’s friends. according to his observations, we resemble at least […]

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with everything

i’ve had SO many thoughts and SUCH little time to process. the day will come where i spam this page with a billion posts of everything i’ve been learning throughout the past several months. so many hardships i want to document, as well as many moments where i’ve been in awe of how God works. […]

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lost joys

today, i rejoice. i sit in this coffee shop, enjoying the smell of freshly roasted coffee beans circling my presence, humming along with the praise music flowing through my earphones, messing around with cmyk color combinations in indesign, sitting completely alone and feeling more than okay about my lack of company. and sitting here nearly […]

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